Just when I was thinking about

how fat I am I saw three ladies that were much bigger than I am. I have been weighing myself and I guess I will keep track to be sure that I am not gaining weight.

I went to see Harry Potter earlier this week. I went to a job fair but I was too late so I decided to do errands instead. While I was getting the errands accomplished I decided that Monday morning would be a good time to see The Half-Blood Prince. I got some popcorn and asked if the butter was real. Well they assured me that the butter was real.  I was able to sit in the back of the theater where I like. I sat near some people my age. I was hoping that the movie wouldn’t be too crowded and not too many kids. I got my wish. There were so few people that I was not once disturbed by someone checking their cell phone for calls or text messages. The back light is very annoying.

I ate the buttered popcorn and thought for sure that I would have indigestion and heartburn along with gas but I didn’t experience any of that. Later on in the week I decided to experiment. I had some toast and put some real butter on it. I didn’t experience any side effects from a dairy product so the jury is still out as to whether the butter in the popcorn at the theater is real or not. So maybe it is just from ice cream and yoghurt that I have side effects.

I took my garbage out to the container and noticed another dead beetle. I guess that area is a beetle burying ground because this is the second beetle I have found dead in the same area. I have never seen beetles this big, four inches at least.

I had another sucky interview that informed me that I would be notified by Friday. So, friday morning I left my phone at home and got groceries. This way my morning is broken up and I am not waiting by the phone for a call. Even if I had taken my phone I wouldn’t have pen and paper to take down any information. The phone silence is deafening. No calls. It seems like I get a bunch of interivews and then I wait for a month before I get some more interviews.

I have been woken up at night by a spider crawling on me. I went over the whole apartment trying to locate any spider webs. I was still woken up at night so I had to find where the spider goes during the day. I stopped up the bottom of the door of the spare bedroom and that has worked because no longer have I been woken up by any spider.

I think the movie that for me is a must see is Julie & Julia. Apparently the movie is based on both Julia Child and Julie. Julie started a blog by going through Mastering The Art Of French Cooking (by Julia Child) a recipe at a time. My siblings and I used to watch Julia Child on TV as teenagers. We used to watch The Copper Kettle moderated by Martha Dixon. One time while I was browsing a used book store I ran across a copy of a Copper Kettle cookbook so I snapped it up and it is somewhere in my collection. I watched PBS this weekend and they aired a show in black and white with Julia Child. It brought back watching her in the 60’s.

I got something in the mail from the courts. So while I was carrying it in to the house I was worried that the money I sent for the speeding ticket I got was not enough. I was charged with speeding and for not having proof of insurance.  The ticket stated that if you send a copy of proof of insurance that amount will be discharged. So I sent a copy of the proof. I was worried that the envelope from the courts would be asking for the money for the proof of insurance. The ticket did not state whether you had to send the entire amount or not so I just sent the money for the speeding part. But when I opened the envelope it was not for the ticket it was a jury summons. So I now have some paperwork to fill out and send in, they provided an envelope. I am supposed to start calling on a certain date and so on and so forth. So I will go see what it is all about, that is if my juror number is called.

There is a spider in my ear

Is what I told my Maternal Grandmother when I was about 4 years old. She leaned down and pulled on my ear to see better and looked in my ear. Just then my ear infection burst. It was my ear infection that caused me to think I had a spider in my ear.

The first memory I have of being at my maternal grandmother’s house was in the winter, either at Christmas or Thanksgiving. It had to be then because there was a big pile of coats and scarves on the bed. In our house if we went to Dad’s mom at Thanksgiving we went to Mom’s mom at Christmas. The next year was reversed. I was at the foot of the bed playing with a doll. The doll was as tall as me. She had dark hair. Someone else got that doll that year.

One joke us kids had was that we actually had to go over a river and through the woods to our grandmother’s house.  Our maternal grandmother was green before green was cool. This was way back in the 50’s. She planted trees every year. That is where we got our Christmas tree. Dad would take one of us kids and go find a tree and cut it down and we would take that tree home and set it up.

When you walk in the front door to your immediate left is the dining room. Farther left was the living room. To your right in the wall were two doors leading to the bedrooms. Between the doors on the wall was the wooden telephone. It still had the old fashioned fastenings. Yep, you had to take a hold of the metal and wind it up so you could make a call.

Across the room in front of you as you enter the front door, was the door to the kitchen. There was about three steps down to get to the kitchen floor. Immediately in front of you was the back door and turning to your left was the kitchen. You had to walk all the way down the kitchen to get to the bathroom. The kitchen was added after the house was built. Standing there to your left was a counter and above the counter was the cupboards. You opened the doors and there were the dishes. The really neat thing for us kids was opening the doors from the dining room side at the same time as the kitchen side doors were opened. You could see into the dining room or kitchen, really neat.

Grandmother had a stereoscope that kept us kids entertained for hours. When we were tired with that, then there was tons of Look and Life. Then there were piles of National Geographic. Then there was the Carrom board with all the games to be played. We were very quiet because that is the way that Grandmother preferred it. Children were seen but not heard. Mom had us trained.


At Christmas grandmother made cookies and fudge. There were all kinds of cookies, single cookies and sandwich cookies. She made the kind of cookies that you need a cookie press for. She made Pfeffernuesse. She also made jellies and jams. I remember the jar had paraffin on top and over that was a piece of wax paper fastened to the jar with a rubber band. She had ribbon candy and filled hard candy and just hard candy.

I remember her wearing a pair of Khaki pants tan colored. She wore her white hair short (it was curly). She wore a short sleeved white blouse with a Peter Pan collar. She may have worn other clothing but this is what I remember her wearing. She had a rock and gem collection. She found all the rocks in her collection.

When she got sick in the 60’s mom’s brother made an addition to the house. Where the bedrooms used to be is where the addition went. First came the bedrooms down a long hall and at the end of the hall was the kitchen and living room for my uncle and his wife and kids. The new addition was very modern. The old house exterior was made entirely from rocks with mortar in between.

The last time I saw my grandmother was in one of the new bedrooms lying in bed. She was thinner than normal. I guess  she had cancer. Later she wouldn’t allow us to see her. Then she died. For us kids death in the 60’s seemed normal what with all the death and dying. John F Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, Dad’s oldest brother and his wife died six months apart and then grandmother. It seemed normal to me except I began thinking it was more serious than that because the first time I saw my Dad cry was at his oldest brother’s funeral.