I did laundry today

And I didn’t leave home to do it. Last Sunday a former co-worker and her husband brought over a washer & dryer. They just bought a house and it came with a better washer and dryer than the one they had. She called me up and said I could have the old ones so I said yes and they brought them over and hooked them up and everything. It is so different being able to do laundry and not have to go to the laundromat. I decided I had better wash my clothes today just in case either machine did not work and then I would have some time to go to the laundromat should I need to. The only fly in the ointment is it only does hot water. The spigot on the cold has been removed so I need to get a new one and put it on and then turn on the cold water. I don’t want to use hot water for laundry. I want to save energy (gas hot water heater). So now of course the electric bill will go up. On the other hand, I don’t have to save quarters to do laundry 🙂

I did not buy a newspaper today I went to craigslist.org to find who was having a garage sale. Today I started earlier in the day to go garage saleing because I didn’t have to do laundry, but it still was not early enough. I did get some more things though. Now my list is shorter. Only one person so far has looked at me funny for asking them to fill out a receipt from the receipt book I carry with me. Everybody else has been very nice. Now I carry coupons so that the next person that asks what business and where and is interested I can give them a coupon. I have two coupons, one is free and one is for 60% off.

I have been waiting and waiting for a fax with some paperwork from the IRS but it has not come. One place on the irs.gov/ website says four business days and one place says about a week. It has been four days and Monday it will be a week. Perhaps I should try to fill out other paperwork that I need to without this orginal paperwork.

Before Friday I had entered vendors and employees into QuickBooks. Friday I started entering checks and then started on credit card transactions. Then I will do the bank statements. As soon as I get the paperwork that I talked about above I will be able to to payroll. I now have the boss’s Accountant’s contact info so next time I have a question I can ask her. I figured out one problem so far.

Monday the cash register comes back. Somehow i think the circuit was fried on it so they had to take it and reprogram it. Now we have an outlet to plug it into that we didn’t have before, we were using an extension cord and the whole electric issue in the office was a mess. We had an electrician come in and do some stuff, he finishes on Monday. I am not so sure about the cash register I have been using a computer one so this will be an adjustment. The boss is counting on me to be able to ring up people so tomorrow I study the book and Monday I will take notes. I have been taking pictures of all the things we have been getting, to use as inventory.

Thursday I hooked up the camera to my computer and transferred the pics and saved them. Then I went to craigslist.org and posted a free ad. I uploaded the pics of an oil drum we wanted to get rid of. I got one call on the business phone Friday and two emails. The phone call was the first contact I had and he wanted it bad. I promised him I would reserve it for him. Well 11 am Friday came and went and he didn’t show up so I got worried because he said he would be there by then. I figured that I would either contact the other two people that were interested or re-post the ad. The guys came in and and said the oil drum was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. Just think! I made it happen by just a few clicks of the mouse.

And yes I have been looking at the free ads on craigslist.org to try to find some of the stuff on my list. We needed a refrigerator and one ad had three but you had to take all three :(.

Chili Cheese Fries from Eegees is a meal in itself

So after I was done shopping today I stopped at Eegees and got some Chili Cheese Fries and a large flavor of the month. This month it is Cranberry Splash, last month it was Cherry Cider.

What did I get today? I started out the day doing laundry but I am not happy with that particular laundromat as my clothes take a lot of money to dry whether it is humid or not. I sure hope that my new laundromat (was supposed to have a grand opening on the 29th) opens soon. It is much closer to my apartment. Next week Friday on my way home from work I will have to drive by to see if it is open. If not then search the Internet for another laundromat. I could just buy a washer and dryer but I am going to wait a while. Washer dryers will all have a front loading instead of top loading feature soon and I want to wait until that happens. At first they will cost much more than top loading but when they are all front loading the price will eventually come down. I personally would like a front loading as they take less water and get your clothes cleaner.

Television programming will all be digital starting in 2009 so be sure to get a digital tuner by then or get a digital TV. Digital TVs are coming down in price anyway. I currently have a 20 inch but as I get older I sure would like an even bigger TV. I like my LCD TV it even hooks up to my computer (but I haven’t tried that yet).

After I was done doing laundry I went across the street and bought groceries. Then I went to Target and bought a couple of furniture items. One piece is a two door with a drawer and the other piece is a two door. I am going to put them in my bathroom and unpack my bathroom items. Hopefully the two pieces will be enough to hold all my bathroom items. Then I went to Jo-Ann’s and got some pink ribbon to put into a pink bonnet, bib and bootees I am crocheting for the baby of on of the crew guys. I have started the bonnet.

Then I went to Best Buy to get a camcorder. I will be using it for a security device. It has a remote. It uses a mini cassette tape but it does not have a night shot. It does come with a USB cord so that I can hook it up to my computer. So whether I have tapes or a mini disc or whatever was not a concern of mine. For the geeks out there it is optical not digital. I am going to experiment around so that I can take pictures of cars in front of me or in back of me while I am driving. I will put the camcorder on the tripod in the car. I will activate the camcorder by remote when I see my ex-husband. If I had gotten a camcorder without remote I would have to lift my hand from the steering wheel and touch the on button on the camcorder which can be seen by someone not in the car. I won’t have to move my hand with a remote so that someone outside the vehicle won’t be able to see me activate the camcorder and I will cover the light with duct tape so that when the camcorder comes on no one will be able to tell whether the camcorder is on or not.

Earlier this week I went to Lowes near where I work and bought some long square pieces of molding. I already sawed some dowels and placed the dowels in the tracks of my sliding windows to prevent someone that wants to break in from sliding the window. So now I am going to saw the pieces of molding to fit diagonally in the window. With just the dowels someone can still move the window by tilting at the top. The diagonal molding will prevent them from moving the window at all. The only way they can get in is by breaking the window and that will cause some noise and will be much more obvious that you have been broken into. The dowels I did buy were not long enough for a diagonal fit and that is why I bought molding as I knew the molding would be long enough.

If any of you have sent me a letter or card since September 20th please let me know by email. Unless you are M… G…. . Please call me M… G…. to let me know if you have sent me a letter. I am asking because of my ex-husband. He took mail out of my box in Michigan and he can take my mail here as well. I am asking because I have not received any letters or cards since Sept 20th. That way when the cops arrest him they can search his cab, car or apartment to find my mail. I may have to get a mailbox like I did in Michigan. I am thinking of asking my boss if I can get my mail there. If he says yes I will give you all the address where I work.