The only thing I broke while moving

Was a plastic clothes hanger. I broke that while putting in the very last item in the POD in Ypsilanti.

With all this moving in and out of friend’s places and in and out of hotels & hostel rooms I only lost one pair of socks.

Best travel investment: the one dollar Styrofoam cooler I bought. It was big enough for a six pack of bottled water and there was room enough on top for a sandwich or whatever was leftover from my lunch. There was room for ice also to put around the water bottles.

Worst travel investment: the depends ‘piss pads’.

If I had to move all over again I would make sure I had a copy of my birth certificate. I would get a free credit check and then make about 10 copies. I would get a background check from the State of Michigan and make about 10 copies. My landlord gave me a letter of reference and I highly recommend getting one if anyone is going to move.

I packed some tools and kept them handy and had a quart of oil, plus I had band aids. I tried to think of all the things I would need for sure and all the things I might need. All in all I didn’t forget anything except for the birth certificate. Thanks to all the advice you all gave me plus all the stuff you guys gave me also.

I have not seen any desert creatures except for a geiko. I have seen a lot of hummingbirds, they were around the plants at the hostel. The first hummingbird I saw I thought it was a moth, but it didn’t move the same but after I had seen several I finally figured it out.

Common names in Tucson: Road Runner, Sierra, Canyon, Vista, etc. Lots of Mexican names.

Fast food places not in Michigan: Eegees, Yokohama Rice Bowl, Carl’s Jr., Sonic, What a Burger, Peter Piper Pizza, Wienerschnitzel and some I have forgotten.

I really need to get a push mower for the yard. The weeds have grown quite a bit. I am going to see what I can do to cut down some of the weeds tomorrow.

I usually think of things to write while I am driving around town. Hopefully I have remembered the all. I read all the emails I sent you guys to refresh my memory.

I haven’t felt like unpacking because why should I unpack if I have to move again. Today I started the unemployment claim up again. Changed my address etc. so that should help for a bit. When I do get a job I found a place that has inexpensive furniture.

One thing for sure fast food is not FAST in Tucson, because I have had to wait I have had time to think why. I think it is because they don’t have as many people on duty. Another thing about fast food here in Tucson, the menu is different. If you order the number 3 at McDonald’s in Michigan it is always the same item. Here in Tucson the number 3 could be 4 or 5 and it is different on each side of town also. So you had better read that menu before you order.

The grocery stores in general are nice but you can’t get the same items that you can get in Michigan. For example I could always get a loaf of bread that was whole grain and weighs about a pound and a half. I have had to look and look and go to more than three or four different grocery stores before I found a chain that carries something close. Albertson’s, Fry’s, Safeway and Food City are the main chains. Then there is Basha’s and some smaller chains like The Sunflower and the Fiesta markets. I bought the single serving Dannon yoghurt as well as the plain quart size in Michigan. No can do here in Tucson, they carry Dannon but different types of Dannon. Oh well. Guess I will have to change brands. Food City is very inexpensive but it doesn’t have a lot of variety plus it caters to the Mexican population. ‘Course the other grocery chains have more Mexican items also.

I had to get a jump for my car and then I took it to get fixed. One thing nice is that it sure does not cost as much to get fixed.

Thursday I had an interview for a job at Jo-Ann’s. If I get it it will be $6.75 per hour and only through December, but it will be a job and it will be selling something I like. I took some samples of my work to show the person that was going to interview me. I took a knitted sweater, a sewn top, a small latch hook rug, a couple of needlepointed pictures (one small and one medium), a crocheted beaded bag (one of those small ones to hang around your neck), cross stitched napkins rings, paper punched cross stitch magi and one pair of crocheted mittens. I will find out sometime Monday if they want me.