They say no news is good news but I disagree

I waited for that phone call today but by the time Noon came and passed without the phone call I decided that they were not going to call me. I waited though until 5 pm before doing the two errands I had to do. Just in case.

I didn’t stop applying to jobs though just because this interview went so well. I just kept on keeping on. I will do so until I get a second job or another job. I will have to expand the number of job boards that I have been visiting and I will have to pound the pavement and apply at physical locations I still haven’t applied at.

Too bad, I could have done that job in my sleep. I could have met or exceeded their production standards. They have posted the job before so maybe they will post it again. Apparently they had contacted three outside people and I was the only outsider to respond. Which means that they went with someone that already works for them in some other capacity.

Tomorrow back to the car wash. I did a couple of things that needed to be done around the house. I tore down some boxes and will put the cardboard in the recycle. I raked the yard a little bit yesterday. Soon it will be time to whack the weeds again.

Match play golf starts tomorrow in Marana. I am only 33 miles away. Tiger is playing and I hope he can play the entire golf season this year. The Sunday paper had a huge pull out section all about the Accenture Match play and who is playing, what the course looks like, how much for tickets each day and so on and so forth.

The rodeo is this week also. This is a big event, I can’t believe how many ranches are in this neck of the woods desert. When the parade is over there is a LOT of horse poop on the pavement. Wonder what they do with it? Take it to the golf courses here in town? That might be a good solution.

All the money that is going to the bailout is a huge amount of money. I say give it to the taxpayers. We would each get about 250,000. Think how many people can pay off their mortgage. Think of how many people could actually buy a house. The way they have it set up is just a waste of my taxes. And this baloney about ‘temporary’ ownership of the banks. Pulleeezzzzze… This is SOCIALISM people. Socialism is bad.

2 thoughts on “They say no news is good news but I disagree

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